OrizzonteCina publishes original, rigorous essays that foster a more cogent and widespread understanding of the political system, international relations, and socioeconomic dynamics in the People’s Republic of China and the wider Chinese-speaking world. The journal welcomes contributions from established and emerging researchers, with the aim of encouraging dialogue between different disciplinary perspectives. It supports the translation into Italian of articles submitted by international scholars.

OrizzonteCina combines the interpretative tools of the social sciences with the philological sensitivity of sinological area studies and consists of a thematic section, a section of individual essays, a sociolinguistic analysis section, columns edited by the Editorial Committee, and a space reserved for public debate.

The Editorial Team of OrizzonteCina shares and complies with the spirit of the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to ensure the constant and rigorous implementation of international best practices as regards the ethical correctness of the publication process of the journal.

OrizzonteCina is a biannual scientific journal registered at the Court of Turin and is listed by the national agency for the evaluation of the university and research system (ANVUR). Promoted by the Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai), the journal is published in Open Access format by the TOChina Centre, a research centre of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, which holds scientific responsibility.

This site collects all the issues of OrizzonteCina published starting from vol. 11 (2020). The previous volumes (2010-2019) are archived at T.wai.

Latest issue

ISSN: 2612-3479
E-ISSN: 2280-8035



Latest articles

Rubrica: "STIP - Science, Technology & Innovation Policy"

Quantum Leap: China and the international race for technological supremacy in quantum technologies

Jacopo Cricchio

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11063


China's Social Credit System: Technology as a Tool of Surveillance and Persuasion

Gianluca Centraco https://orcid.org/0009-0004-9672-4536 Giovanna Maria Dora Dore https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2622-6262

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/10287

Book Review

Yang Jisheng, Lapidi. La grande carestia in Cina (Milano: Adelphi, 2024).

Giuseppe Gabusi

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11092

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

The challenges of research on and in China today: domestic and international context

Simone Dossi

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11085

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

Writing the “history of the PRC” in Xi Jinping's China

Fabio Lanza

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11068

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

Secrets and black boxes: new challenges in the news media industry

Emma Lupano


Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

Questions of method in explaining Chinese foreign policy: case study or quantitative analysis?

Paolo Rosa

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11070

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

A “contextualized” approach to the analysis of the PRC's foreign policy

Andrea Ghiselli

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11086

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

Challenges for economic research in and about China

Giorgio Prodi

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11071

Forum. Fare ricerca in Cina e sulla Cina oggi: vecchie sfide nella Nuova era?

The challenges of research on contemporary Taiwan at a time of Cross-Strait tensions

Silvia Frosina

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/11074

Sezione tematica

Eco-Illusions in the East: The Reality of China’s Eco-City Dreams in Iskandar Malesia and Forest City

Elisabetta Nadalutti

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/10499

Sezione tematica

The BRI in Europe: the case of Duisburg, between dreams of development and a reality of decline

Giulia C. Romano Ardita Osmani

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/10149

Sezione tematica

The European Union’s institutional discourses on Chinese infrastructural investments

Sara Berloto Francesco Giovanni Lizzi

DOI: 10.13135/2280-8035/10138